Thursday, December 8, 2011

Welcome to the Canyon Estates Homeowners News and Views Blog

This blog has not been created, sponsored or published by the HOA of Canyon Estates. It is the result of the success of Canyon Estates Homeowners News and Views, the publication issued by and for homeowners. 

We hope that  the move into the virtual world will make it even easier to get to know our neighbors and to share our thoughts, questions or recommendations.

Hopefully, Board and Committee members will check into the blog every once in a while to see what is on the minds of the homeowners.

We will continue to issue the periodic publication via email, personal delivery or mail.

Thank you,
Gisela Flick


  1. The blog is looking great. Canyon Estates rocks!!

  2. This is too good to believe. We can finally communicate directly with our neighbors.

    Kay Nelson

  3. I want my pool heated all winter long!!

  4. Welcome to the digital age, Canyon Estates!

    Board of Trustees Meeting – Saturday December 17, 2011

    Draft December 12, 2011

    NOTE: Board Candidate Nominating Committee will meet at the Clubhouse at 8:30 a.m. Trustees: Ferguson, Roman, Schultz, and Sizemore. This is not an open meeting.

    Trustee Meeting Begins at 9:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse

    1. Show Cause Hearings*
    2. Homeowner Forum
    3 Property Manager’s Report: John Nicoli
    4 President’s Report: Roger Smith
    - Update on revision of all governing documents
    - Update on South Lease Purchase
    - Pond Committee - New members named to the Future of Ponds Committee
    Volunteers are still being sought; Volunteers for the A&G Committee are also being sought. All
    Trustees are also members of all committees to be involved as appropriate.
    - Property Manager request to begin replacement of wooden trash container doors on the second
    half of the property
    - Purchase of Golf Tee Stands for 2012
    - Mini-trade show at annual meeting – Property Manager Discussion
    - 2012 Holiday Schedule and Clubhouse availability
    5. Vice President: Paul McLaughlin
    - Neighborhood watch
    6. Secretary’s Report: Donald Ferguson
    - Approval of Minutes for November 19, 2011, meeting
    - Deadline to submit nominations for the 2012-13 Board of Trustee January 20, 2012, COB
    - Forums on solar energy and e-mail/internet 101
    - Directory update – need additions and changes by January 15, 2012 sent to the office. If we do
    Not hear from you we will assume no changes for the next edition. If you were not in the last one,
    Or are new to CE, send your contact information as you want it to appear to the office.
    7. Treasurer’s Report
    - Review of financial reports
    - Authorizations to Lien Delinquent Homeowners
    8. Architecture and Grounds Committee Update: David Robinowitz, Jim Sizemore
    - Approval of CE Homeowner Property Modification Request form to become an official rule
    9. Social Committee: Maureen Roman – Hold these dates
    - January 22, Potluck (Note date change)
    - March 3, New Homeowners – 2011/ Cocktail Party
    - April 21, Movie Night
    Adjourn to Executive Session to consider other actions related to delinquencies and foreclosures, personal lawsuits, personnel matters, sub-lease related subjects, and contracts.

    Final agenda is posted in the Clubhouse four days prior to the meeting.
    * A show cause executive session may delay the start of the meeting. What is a “show cause” meeting? Any homeowner who has received notice from the Board on action related to a delinquency or other matter has a legal right to request a meeting of the Trustees in Executive Session to discuss it and proposed resolution.

    NEXT MEETING: January 21, 2012, at the Clubhouse, 9 a.m.

  6. Looking forward to seeing a lot of our "Snowbird" residents at the meeting. It's important that you participate and understand what is happening in our community.
