Friday, December 9, 2011

Follow us on Twitter!

Go to our Twitter page and follow us to get all of our future tweets about everything going on in Canyon Estates!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Welcome to the Canyon Estates Homeowners News and Views Blog

This blog has not been created, sponsored or published by the HOA of Canyon Estates. It is the result of the success of Canyon Estates Homeowners News and Views, the publication issued by and for homeowners. 

We hope that  the move into the virtual world will make it even easier to get to know our neighbors and to share our thoughts, questions or recommendations.

Hopefully, Board and Committee members will check into the blog every once in a while to see what is on the minds of the homeowners.

We will continue to issue the periodic publication via email, personal delivery or mail.

Thank you,
Gisela Flick